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At Full Lighthouse, we cherish family and believe that everyone has a special role in the Kingdom of God. Each member's contribution is valuable and equally important.

Though we are a small congregation, this allows us to create meaningful connections and develop unique relationships, making us just as impactful as larger churches.

We appreciate your interest in our church and uphold traditional values. As the Bible states, "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever," reminding us to stay committed to our practices in honoring Him.

Our worship begins with four traditional hymns, followed by contemporary praise and worship songs, reflecting our devotion to God.

, Rev. John's wife, Christine, plays the piano for the hymns, while Rev. John leads with the guitar during praise and worship.

If you're interested in joining our music ministry, we would love to have you! Offering is another vital aspect of worship, fostering spiritual growth.

Our pastor serves freely without a salary and maintains a full-time job outside the church. Thankfully, our church building is mortgage-free, having been fully paid off years ago by Pastor Graham.

All donations support the church and the missionaries and charities we believe in. If you would like to contribute, please send to:

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